eL-Tarbawi Vol. I, No. 2, 2008

Editorial Vol. 1, No. 2, 2008

Pendidikan Islam sebabaimana pendidikan pada umumnya senantiasa diwarnai oleh berbagai permasalahan yang tidak pernah habis-habisnya. Hal ini selain disebabkan karena adanya perubahan orientasi, perubahan dinamika masyarakat, dan tunturan kehidupan masyarakat yang harus dilayani dan direspon oleh dunia pendidikan, juga karena adanya perkembangan di bidang ilmu dan teknologi yang menuntut kecerdasan dan kreativitas para pengelola lembaga pendidikan itu sendiri.

Menghadapi permasalahan tersebut, para pemerhati dan pengamat pendidikan terinspirasi untuk menawarkan berbagai solusinya yang dianggap paling tepat untuk mengatasi persoalan tersebut. Solusi yang disampaikan terkadang menunjukkan hasil yang cemerlang dan membanggakan dan terkadang hanya terkesan berjalan di tempat atau bahkan menambah persoalan baru yang mengakibatkan beban pendidikan menjadi semakin berat.

Persoalan pendidikan yang sedang diangkat dalam el-TarbawI Jurnal Pendidikan Agama Islam kali ini adalah manajemen pendidikan yang berorientasi pada mutu pendidikan. Dalam hal ini, Taufiqurrahman mengetengahkan perlunya strategi peningkatan Sumber Daya Manusia (SDM) pendidikan berkualitas bagi bangsa Indonesia dilanda krisis multidemensi dan dengan penerapan sistem broad based education dan hight based education agar mutu SDM semakin baik. Sedangkan Subandi, mempersyaratkan perlunya pengembangan model penilaian sekolah efektif secara terus menerus dilakukan penilaian dan perbaikan sendiri dan peningkatan efektivitas fungsi-fungsi pengelolaan sekolah agar menghasilkan lulusan pendidikan yang diharapkan.

Ahmad Darmadji menyarankan perlunya implementasi total quality managemant dalam dunia pendidikan. Karena hal itu, berdampak positif pada peningkatan mutu pendidikan dan harapan masyarakat, serta dukungan dari sejumlah pihak. Hal tersebut dibuktikan dalam hasil penelitiannya yang mengambil lokasi di MAN Model Yogyakarta. Beberapa pembahasan lain yang cukup menarik untuk dicermati adalah artikel Djuwarijah tentang manajemen kurikulum dalam pengembangan SDM yang menghasilkan lulusan berwawasan internasional dan Thoyib, membahas internasionalisasi pendidikan dan strategi pengembangan mutu Pendidikan Tinggi Agama Islam. Menurutnya, internalisasi Pendidikan Tinggi Agama Islam di Indonesia ke depan diperlukan pendekatan triple quality, yaitu quality planning, quality control, dan quality improvement. Muhammad Idrus dalam artikelnya menegaskan bahwa masyarakat dapat melakukan fungsi pengawasan terhadap kinerja sekolah dan bersama sekolah ikut menyusun rencana anggaran sekolah, bahkan dapat menentukan kebijakan yang akan diambil oleh sekolah.

Dari sejumlah artikel yang diturunkan pada edisi kali ini, dapat ditarik benang merah bahwa pendidikan yang memiliki kometmen pada mutu masukan, proses dan keluaran serta penilaian perbaikan secara terus menerus akan mampu bersaing, bertahan dan berkembang dengan mengikuti laju perkembangan jaman dan tuntutan masyarakat yang berubah.

Selamat membaca!


Strategi Peningkatan Mutu SDM Pendidikan Berdasarkan Sistem Broad Based Education



Although the educational programe had been on going process since 56 years ago in Indonesia, but this state didn’t has provided qualified human resources. Since 32 years ago of The New Order Government, educational sector development has never been placed as a prime priority of development. Its effect is Indonesian educational quality being worse than the other countries in southest Asia likes Malaysia, Pilipina, Singapura, and Thailand. Indonesia is being effected by dimentional multi crises since tvelve years ago and untill now, it is still degraded by its past time which avoided educational development. Moreover, the aother states which effected by the same problem like Indonesia could reform by paying attention greater toward educational development sector. They could reform faster and being better states bacause they have human good resource quality. By broad based education system and high based education system, we hope the quality of Indonesian human resources will be more better in the next.

Keywords: Educational quality, broad based education, high based Education

Pengembangan Model Penilaian Sekolah Efektif



A general purpose of the programe is for developing model of effective school assessment with its instrument and guidance of its application in order to do self-evaluation and self improvement, and effectiveness improvement of school organization functions toward being able to product out puts quality which hoped. A specific purpose of the programe is for developing; (1) construction and indicators of effective school, (2) several instruments for assessing effective school, (3) system of effective school assessment and its application guidance, and (4) recommendation of implementation for assessing effective school. This development is related more deeply with improving educational quality in school. Therefore, educational quality in school is a function of quality in put showing student’s potentialities, quality of learning experience showing teacher’s professional ability, quality of using learning facilities, and quality of headmaster leadership showing school culture.

Keywords: model of effective school assessment, indicators, assessment instrument, assessment guidence, educational quality, professional teacher, learning facilities, school culture, and school based management

Implementasi Total Quality Management sebagai Upaya Peningkatan Mutu Pendidikan di MAN Model Yogyakarya

Ahmad Darmadji


Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa implementasi prinsip TQM di MAN Model Yogyakarta tercermin dari proses yang bertahap dan terus menerus dalam peningkatan mutu dengan pemenuhan harapan pelanggan (client) internal maupun eksternal melalui dukungan, partisipasi aktif dan dinamis dari sejumlah pihak. TQM juga memberi manfaat bagi MAN Model sebagai institusi dalam perannya sebagai leader of change. Kebersamaan dan kerjasama seluruh komponen MAN Model Yogyakarta menjadi prasyarat implementasi TQM yang efektif dalam meningkatkan kualitas pendidikan. Sejumlah hambatan yang ada dapat terpecahkan dengan mengkomunikasikannya dan mempertinggi komitmen semua komponen untuk bersama-sama menuju pada kualitas yang diharapkan

Kata kunci: total quality management, MAN Model Yogyakarta

Strategi Peningkatan Manajemen Kurikulum dalam Pengembangan Mutu SDM Menuju Terwujudnya Lulusan Madrasah Aliyah Berwawasan Internasional



The urgent orientation of curriculum management on the context of developing human resources quality especially about out put of education at internasional Islamic senior high school is a effort to achieve four (4) primary competences; academic competence, personal competence, social competence, and spiritual competence. For improving curriculum management in order to develope human resource quality, International Islamic high school has to apply good strategy to reach competitif and qualified its educational out put. Its strategies are: first, strategy based on organization system approach where it stresses to organize curriculum independently, creatively, and innovatively by the Islamic sinior high school. Second, strategy based on purposes focus approach covering several aspects; inquiring sciences, inquiring standart skill standart, inquiring coompetence, character building, and mastering ability for solving social problem of children. Third, strategy based on competence approach focusing on inquiring certain competence based on the development stapes of children. The success of strategies also should be supported by school leader’s ability to mobilize resources potentiality that available at school.

Keywords: Curriculum management, strategy, International Islamic Senior High School

Internasionalisasi Pendidikan dan Strategi Pengembangan Mutu Perguruan Tinggi Agama Islam di Indonesia: Sketsa Edukatif Manajemen Mutu

M. Thoyib


Internationalization is truly acceleration into all fields that able to pierce the limit of field and regional otorities of a state, or on Robertson’s view (2003), internationalization is the third wave of globalization, that able to accompany a state becoming superior or on the contrary, will be falling out. The existence and success of higher education especially for Islamic Higher Education in Indonesia (PTAI) in the globalization era and liberalization of education in the future will be decided so much by the seatle of akademic and educational infrastructures preparation of the higher education and has more farther at international competition level without lossing Islamic morality character as its basic application. This assumtion also has to be supported by more better strategies for developing quality system of Islamic higher education; first, management of higher education at Islamic higher education (PTAI) should be able to concentrate for international academic quality development. Strengthening its management should be supported by; (1) implementation of acreditation for regional and international scales, (2) otonomy of organizing higher education that more established with empowering local and national potentialities, (3) accuntability of Islamic higher education aplication supported by the whole stakeholders, and (4) competencies of infrastructures and human resources at Islamic higher education is always improved through resources improvement policy. Second, aplication of quality management should be supported by good academic atmosphere implemented on the whole stakeholder’s commitment for achieving more better quality of Islamic higher education in the next future. Third, humanistic sense of diversity has to becoming primary supporting tool for Islamic higher education to face internationalization application more humanistic and large international academic networking for supporting Indonesia’s human resources becoming qualified, productive, innovative and competitive in all competition scales.

Keywords: Internationalization of education, Islamic Higher Education, educational quality management

Pengembangan Supervisi Berbasis Masyarakat

Muhammad Idrus


Quality is still being the main focus in education. And to improving the quality of education is not an easy task, which can be done in a short period and can not rely solely to school it self. In that process many components that are expected to play an active role, include the community as one of the stakeholders. The society has a significant role in developing and improving the quality of education in schools. By adopting the concept of School based management, the community can do the function of supervision of school performance or the function of assessment in the success of the educational process; and together with the school to arrange the school budget. In the educational system which empowering the community, the society could determining the policies to be taken by the school, the community will have more power to determine or to assess whether or not the performance of teachers and principals is good enough or not. so in the future we must motivated the society to be a partner of school, and together with school to arrange the activity to improve the quality in education

Key words: supervision; school based society

Book Review Manajemen Pendidikan Upaya Menghantarkan Pendidikan ke Arah yang Lebih Baik

Hidayatul Mabrur

Buku ini merupakan hasil karya dari Prof. Dr. Husaini Usman, M.Pd., M.T yang berjudul, Menejemen Teori, Praktik, dan Riset Pendidikan. Karya ini merupakan sutu upaya manifestasi dari Prof. Dr. Husaini Usman, M.Pd., M.T dalam upaya memperkaya khasanah keilmuan pada dunia menejemen khususnya menejemen pendidikan. Sebagai alumnus magister administrasi pendidikan yang juga berkecimpung dalam praktisi dunia pendidikan, Ia telah mencoba mememaparkan pembahasan yang menditail dan tertata secara runtun tentang menejemen secara umumnya dan implementasinya dalam menejemen pendidikan secara khusus. Buku ini ia susun dengan maksud agar dapat dikonsumsi dan digunakan oleh masyarakat luas yang berminat menambah wawasan di bidang ilmu yang bersifat universal.